Rhoscolyn Dive & Shark Snapshot weekend 30th - 31st July 2022

Weather permitting, Pat & Phil are planning to take Top Cat and Cheshire Cat to Anglesey, with a maximum of 12 divers.

We intend to have 2 dives on both Saturday and Sunday. One dive will be the new Pinnacle D site. The top of the pinnacles are about 15m with seabed at 30 – 33m. These are high energy sites about 3 miles off-shore. They are extremely tidal and have the potential for current, surge & swell.  You’ll need to be comfortable and experienced at diving in the sea away from the coastline. 

The Shark Trust are running the global Great Shark Snapshot from 24th – 31st July 2022.  Therefore the second dives on both days will be shallow, scenic dives where we hope to see catsharks, rays and skates and then record record these sightings on the Shark Trust website.

This trip is limited to very experienced Sports divers with depth progression or above. 

Contact Pat or Phil for more details