Norfolk Trip Report – 9th 10th Sept 2017

Norfolk with Pat and Phil

Over the weekend both the club boats made their way over to Norfolk on the trip led by Pat and Phil. Here is a brief update from Pat – sent from the car on the way back.

“Steady journey to North Walsham. Super luxury accommodation. No one fancied the hot tubs. Weather good sea calm. Viz 5m. Launching proved to be a problem solving activity to the amusement of the locals.

Diving to 12m onto cobbles pebbles bright white chalk and big sculptured boulders. Every crevice a home for lobster crab velvet swimmers sponge crabs and sea spiders. Massive dahlia anemones daisy and delicate white. elegant anemones. Sponge covered boulders antennae and herringbone hydroids, hornwrack and plumose anemones provided the colour. We also saw Buttterfish, scorpion fish, plaice, juvenile red mullet and bib.

Great buddies meticulous preparation by Phil, meal out and a cake for Tim’ s birthday plus the pleasure of being joined by a team from Hartford SAC made for another enjoyable weekend.”

Photos courtesy of Sarah Miles & John Ruston, Mark Hickson and Wilf.

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