ECSAC can support you in becoming an Open Water Instructor, anyone who is a Sports Diver or above can take the Instructor Foundation Course and become an Assistant Instructor. From there it is a matter of practicing and developing your skills and then attending the Open Water Instructor Course and then the Practical and Theory Instructor Exams.
We have First Class Divers and Instructor Trainers in our branch as well as access to the BSAC Regional Coaching team all of whom would be delighted to advise, support and mentor you towards becoming a Diving Instructor.
You can see the progression path in the diagram below:
Interested? Want to know more? Please drop us an email to
You can also find a lot more information about the club on the other pages of our website, particularly on the “All about ECSAC Page” so have a look around and if you are interested please either drop us an email or give us a call for a chat.
You can either leave us a message on our answering machine (this is is only checked weekly on a Thursday) or you can call our Diving Officer direct on 07896 625215 for an immediate response.
Alternatively you can email the Diving Officer –