The 50/50 monthly prize draw is another way that the club raises money to provide funds for trips, equipment purchases, supplement social evening events and any other purpose that the club members think will benefit the club.
1st Prize £25
2nd Prize £15
3rd Prize £10

The way it works is very simple. Anyone can set up a monthly standing order to pay £3 (or any multiple of £3) to the club. For each £3 unit you get to chose a numbered ball that is entered into the monthly draw (eg. for £6 entered per month you will get 2 different numbered balls). Now the good news, for every £3 entered the club gains £1.50 and the 1st, 2nd & 3rd prize winners get the other £1.50 divided up between them. Currently we have an income of £99 each month of which the club receives £49 and the winning ball owners get prizes as per the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd prizes above. The more ball owners we have the more money the club receives and the more money the prize winners receive.
You can set up standing order from your bank account straight into our 50/50 account. The 50/50 account details are available from Dave Lloyd.
To join the 50/50 Club please complete the attached form and send to Dave Lloyd :
Download the form here : Standing Order50-50